Black Phantom Chronicles Card Deck Behind the Scenes Part 7

November 7, 2016

A Time in Man’s Life

There comes a time in man’s life… Aside from that saying, though it may not be man’s life, there does come a time in any artist’s work, when he or she needs another pair of eyes. The artist himself or herself has spent hours staring at the same piece of art and has completed it to the best of possessed abilities. It is not that no flaws are apparent, but the artist has no idea how to proceed in order to make the work better. In these times, someone else should give some input.

All this is to say, I am at that point. I have arranged my cards to the best of my abilities, and most of the people I ask tell me the simple answer; they like it. This cannot be. I myself can see things that could be either better or different, but I am too close to it to see what needs that slight tweak to make it go from good to outstanding.

There is no avoiding this time of need, at least to my knowledge, outside of owning an outrageous ego. As I previously said, all artists require another set of eyes. I can, however, find new people to give opinions, this means, my classmates in particular. My plan is to bother all present classmates next class and perhaps the card deck can achieve an outstanding quality.


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