Born with Magic: No Fear

I never finished that conversation. That aside, if magic were something real, something humans and creatures could be born with, there are certain rules we know it would have to follow, rules of all nature, rules placed in the universe before the dawn of creation, because these rules stem from the character of the Creator Himself.
The first rule is,
No natural ability is evil: Outside of sin, which is part of free will, f someone is born with the ability to do anything, draw sing, etc. it was placed there by God, and He never makes anything bad. It is up to the person himself or herself to do good or bad with it, to use it for the purpose for which it was designed or for self. This brings us to the second rule of which is certain.
Purpose: As with all talents and gifts, they are given to glorify God and fulfill the great commission. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”(Matthew 28:19) Every gift is given to fulfill this charge, in the unique way of that certain gift.
Talents: The last rule that is known beyond a doubt is that no talent or gift is meant for burying. In fact, it is wrong to hide it or keep it to oneself. The parable of the Talents proves it to be so. (Matthew 25:14-30, Luke 19:11-27)
Origin: And although debatable, it is likely that all talents and gifts existed from the beginning of time and that, therefore, if magic was something natural with which people and creatures were born, it would exist since Adam and Eve.
Therefore, as all those rules affirm, it is very clear that hiding it from those without magic is wrong, unless under circumstances of persecution. Even then, it would still be a sin punishable by eternal damnation to take control of another human’s mind for any circumstances.
Aside from that sin, magic of itself would not be evil if beings possessed it from conception, in this completely hypothetical discussion. On the contrary. It would be given with purpose, the same as all other gifts, and it would be up to the individual’s choice. When listening to or watching a story, the question shouldn't be, is magic good or bad, it is, does the magic in it glorify its Creator. Does it follow the rules listed above, or take its own path?
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