Merlin Reveiw

Merlin Review/Story Plot Unlike the classic image of Merlin as an old, wise wizard, Julian Murphy’s and Johnny Capps’s Merlin rewrites the image. The series starts as a twenty-year-old Merlin travels to Camelot, sent by his mother to her friend, Camelot’s physician, Gaius. Her intention is for the physician to become the father-figure for her fatherless, magical son. It seems easy. Merlin even smiles with excitement as he sees Camelot for the first time, a shining white castle on the horizon. Mood and music quickly alter, however, as the wizard arrives inside the city just in time to witness King Uther’s execution of a person charged with performing magic. As the ax falls, the king commences to remind those gathered that all magic is pure evil and punishable by death. Despite the imminent danger, Merlin finds Gaius and remains in Camelot. And like the naïve boy he is, he shrugs aside his peril, carelessly using his own untrained magic, even in a bout with the young, seem...