Why the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Hawkeye deserves more attention

Why the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Hawkeye deserves more attention When most people talk about the latest Marvel films, very rarely is Hawkeye listed as a favorite or even mentioned at all. Iron man, Thor, the Hulk, and Captain America are the highlights, with extras such as the most recent Black Panther added to them. A large group of “supporters for woman rights” will also discuss Black Widow and why they think she is misused and should receive her own stand-alone film. Whatever the case, the greatest Marvel hero among them remains in the background, in people’s imagination and quite literally. One thing must be remembered or it won’t matter: regardless of religion or beliefs, everyone knows that when trouble comes, it is not the best fighter or the flashiest that makes a hero. Marvel itself states that when they make Captain America a sick kid from a very large city—quite frankly a small nobody. Here’s where they forget that knowledge: Captain America must go through radical ...