Synopsis for the Savage War
Synopsis for the Savage War I'd like a little help. Which one draws attention more? Would you make any changes to the preferred one? Please put any suggestions in the comment box below. Synopsis 1 Arnacin of Enchantress Island, runaway from home, finds himself in the midst of a foreign war over Mira. Owning the Mirans his life, he agrees to help, slowly gaining more of the king and princess’ respect and trust. However, as the war remains unabated, and he continues to rise in rank and favor, the promise he gave his sister to return home plagues him. Will his two promises clash? Will he live to keep the one? Will he be allowed to return home or will he be persuaded to become the next king of Mira, and forget his beloved family, forever? Synopsis 2 In his search for heroism, Arnacin of Enchantress Island sets sail alone. Before he does, his sister voices her bitter concern of his danger, and he promises her he will return. Yet, after a storm wrecks his ship on the shores ...